
OneWave runs weekly Fluro Friday sunrise sessions where the community dress up in the brightest outfits possible and share stories, surf and do yoga to raise awareness for mental health.  What started at Bondi Beach in 2013 has now spread to more than 100 beaches worldwide.

Everyone is welcome and you don't need to be a surfer to be involved. Click here to find out if there is a Fluro Friday running at your local beach.

Can't find your beach on the Fluro Friday map? Why not start a Fluro Friday yourself and help kick the stigma in your local community? It is as easy as grabbing a few mates, dressing in fluro and going surfing and sharing stories to help people free the funk. It can be a weekly/monthly event or even once a year. 

If running the event on the weekend or any other day works better then we will be just as stoked. We change the name from Fluro Friday to a Free the Funk event. 

If you want to find out more about starting a Fluro Friday or Free the Funk event contact and we will jump on the phone and chat about making it happen. Yew!